Are you looking to increase your strength and incorporate weight training into your fitness routine? These 5-week & 6-week strength training programs are geared towards beginner strength & conditioning knowledge and experience. Both programs will develop your knowledge and selection of strength training exercises, technique, safety and workout design. Registration will open in late October and will be announced via Hornet Hive.
Small group training will be instructed by Fitness & Wellness Director, Jen Bailey and Personal Trainer, Olivia Green. This is a registration only program due to limits on class size.
- Each participant may only register for one option.
- Max enrollment per option is 8 and there will be a wait list.
- Due to exercise progression, safety and technique demonstrations I ask for your commitment to attend all sessions.
- Missing two consecutive sessions will cancel your enrollment.
Winter 2025
Strength Training 101
Thursdays, 12:05-12:55 p.m.
5-weeks, February 18-March 18
Strength Training 102
Fridays, 12:05-12:55 p.m.
6-weeks, February 14-March 21
*Prior participation in Strength Training 101 preferred. Strength training 102 is not a beginner program and is geared to participants who engage in regular strength training. If you have questions about Strength Training 102, please contact Jen Bailey.